On September 24th, the Historical Society of Michigan recognized its 2021 State History Award winners, including our very own Julie Sheppard who was presented “a State History Award in the category of Education: Educator for her excellence in fostering a love of history in her students. Sheppard has taught at South Haven since 1988 and served as a Social Studies and Language Arts Content Area Leader since 2006. Under her leadership as a Michigan History Day® (MHD) coach, her students often advanced to the state finals and national competitions. Sheppard also coaches MHD in five other non-participating school districts, leads 4-H clubs and coaches volleyball.” SHPS is proud and fortunate to have Mrs. Sheppard as a valued member of our district. She never ceases to go above and beyond to inspire her students and fellow staff members.

SHPS Teacher Named History Educator of the Year
October 1, 2021