June 17, 2022
Children may go on summer vacation, but hunger doesn't. South Haven Public Schools' Summer Program bridges the summer hunger gap and lets our children know that the community care...

June 14, 2022
The school year just ended, but we’re already looking forward to welcoming you back next year! The 2022-23 school calendar has officially been approved and released by the Board o...

May 24, 2022
Congratulations to this year's SHEA Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Margaret Weber, voted by her fellow SHPS teachers!
"Margaret Weber has been teaching for 31 years, twenty-four of ...

May 23, 2022
Stay ahead of the summer slip! South Haven Public Schools, in partnership with community organizations, is offering a number of camps and classes to keep kids engaged. Reg...

May 11, 2022
Are you interested in making a difference in your community and establishing a vision for your local schools? Consider running for the South Haven Public Schools Board of Educatio...
May 9, 2022
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to drive a school bus? Here is your chance to gain a real "hands-on" experience! Stop by North Shore Elementary (back parking lot) o...

April 5, 2022
South Haven Public Schools values and appreciates your opinion and wants to ensure effective communication based on the preferences and needs of our community. As a district, we a...

March 18, 2022
Calling future SHPS 2035, 2036, and 2037 graduates! Kindergarten Round up is right around the corner and we can't wait to meet you! Please join us on Wednesday, April 13th or Thur...

December 6, 2021
The South Haven Public School District would like to invite students, student families, staff and community members to participate in a brief survey related to the American Rescue...

December 2, 2021
The Little Rams Boys Youth Basketball Program will begin in January following Christmas Break. The program is available to boys in Kindergarten thru 5th grade. Sign-ups wil...

November 4, 2021
Please take a moment to complete this short survey. The information you provide will be recorded anonymously and will guide our initiatives going forward. Thank you for your time!...

October 7, 2021
South Haven Public Schools would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to Fleming Brothers Oil Company for including us in The Giving Pump program! At both Shell Gas Stations in South H...

October 1, 2021
On September 24th, the Historical Society of Michigan recognized its 2021 State History Award winners, including our very own Julie Sheppard who was presented “a State History Awa...

September 30, 2021
South Haven Public Schools would like to issue a huge CONGRATULATIONS to iCreate Teacher, Mary Phillips, at North Shore Elementary for her recent acceptance into the prestigious N...

September 20, 2021
Parent agree to follow the guidance of the screener to decrease the risk of spreading illness to others.
In the past 10 days, has your child developed any of the following s...

August 20, 2021
South Haven Public Schools’ Return to School Guidelines and procedures for the 2021-22 school year are now available! Please see your parent/guardian email address on file to revi...

August 4, 2021
South Haven Public Schools is pleased to again offer a Remote Learning program as an option for K-12 students: (1) whose parents/guardians feel that online learning is a better op...

July 20, 2021
The 2021-22 school calendar is now available! A few dates to note include the first day of school for students taking place on August 30th and the last day of school on June 8, 20...

July 14, 2021
Stay up to date on all things South Haven! Introducing the brand new app for South Haven Public Schools. NEVER MISS AN EVENT The event section shows a list of events throughout...

July 14, 2021
Children may go on summer vacation, but hunger doesn’t. South Haven Public Schools’ Summer Program bridges the summer hunger gap and lets our children know that the community care...